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an eye

Medical and scientific congresses

A congress is a moment of meeting and interaction between a learned society, an institution, a company and its community, as well as among its audiences themselves.

Our role is to create the ideal conditions to help our clients initiate, nurture, and maintain this dynamic connection with their communities, thereby fostering progress.

a globe

Trade fairs and professional events

Now more than ever, trade shows must stand out to attract their audiences. To achieve this, showcasing innovative products, offering a memorable experience, and delivering rich media content are key success factors. The combination of our expertise in communications and content creation with our skills in event organization and production allows us to make a difference.

a lightbulb

Design and production of events

In collaboration with the leading institution (association, federation, sector, etc.) or on our own, we offer customized economic models, seek financing, and handle the production and logistics of events. We address the challenges of event design in an entrepreneurial and distinctive manner.

a conversation bubble

Association management

Our dedicated team assists learned societies in their daily administrative management, communication, and also in their strategic vision. An Association is primarily a community, and our teams help you engage with it throughout the year to facilitate exchanges and knowledge sharing. We also handle the approach to partners for project financing.​

a GPS location pictogram

Hotel management

Our internal hotel management agency, Hopscotch Housing, ensures peace of mind regarding the reception of each participant in your event. We offer a dedicated hotel booking service for individuals and groups, along with a personalized web platform for your event.


the logo of IAPCO, the international association of professional congress organizers. Click to visit the website.

IAPCO - International Association of Professional Congress Organizers

Accredited member since 2005


ICCA - International Congress & Convention Association

Member since 2006 France Benelux Chapter

OnlyLyon logo, Convention Bureau of the City of Lyon. Click to visit the website.


Tourism and Congress


Member agency of  Congress Office

and Salons

Qualiopi logo, our certification as a training organization. Click to visite the website.

Quality certification was issued under the following action category: training actions. Certification issued for 3 years on 14/12/202

Logo Medtech - partenaire compliant ethical medtech. Cliquez pour visiter le site.

Trusted Partner of the Ethical Charter


Compliant with MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice


Paris Convention Bureau


Official partner




Quotation marks





logo Hopscotch Congrès


23/25 rue Notre-Dame-des-Victoires
75002 Paris

logo Hopscotch Congrès


Park Avenue - 81 boulevard de Stalingrad

69100 Lyon  


logo Hopscotch Congrès



Via Aristide de Togni, 27

20123 Milan - Italy


Logo of the World Federation for Hospital Sterilisation Sciences WFHSS. Click to visit the website.
Logo of the French Association of Surgery AFC. Click to visit the website.
CNIEL logo - National interprofessional center for the dairy economy. Click to visit the website.
logo of ANDRA National Agency for the management of radioactive waste. Click to visit the website.
logo du Pôle d'excellence cyber. Cliquez pour visiter le site.
Paris Cité University logo. Click to visit the website.
logo MEDEF mouvement des entreprises de France. Click here to visit the website.
E-AHPBA logo. Click to visit the website.
logo of the World Organization for Animal Health. Click to visit the website.
logo of the Paul Brousse Hospital Hepato-Billiary Center. Click to visit the website.
logo PSOGI Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International. Cliquez pour visiter le site.
logo ACHBT SFCD - Société Française de Chirurgie Digestive et Association de Chirurgie Hépato-Bilio-Pancréatique et de Transplantation. Cliquez pour visiter le site.
MIDEM + event logo
logo of the French Society of Sterilization Sciences
logo of the JICABLE association
Logo of the international association for disability and oral health iADH
logo of the French Neuro-Vascular Society SFNV
logo of the SOLEIL Synchrotron
Logo of the Pelvi-Perineology Society SIFUD-PP
logo of the European Surgical Association ESA

Contact us

Deux personnes qui se saluent
Ancre - contact
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